
Summer Trend: Hardware

If you’ve been here a while, you know we aren’t exactly wall flowers. We love a bold statement. And, while a dainty chain necklace with a single gemstone is a safe choice, we’ve always been ones to push boundaries, which is perhaps why we’re loving the latest trend of hardware-centric jewelry. It feels a bit [...]

Summer Trend: Hardware2022-08-25T10:19:16-05:00

American Designer Spotlight: Dorian & Rose

With the 4th of July weekend ahead, we wanted to shine a light on an American designer dedicated to the craft – enter Dorian & Rose. Known for their dedication to just that, Los Angeles-based Dorian & Rose sets the bar high in the realm of gold jewelry. Rooted in artisanal traditions passed down by [...]

American Designer Spotlight: Dorian & Rose2022-08-25T11:55:53-05:00


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